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This is our Associate of the Month video. We are so very grateful to have had a hand in changing so many people's lives forever. Watch this video and you'll find out what we're all about. We're NOT Network Marketing Gurus. We're ordinary people that have discovered a very simple Business with a very simple System that anyone can do.




I’m a former CEO of a company and then owned my own consulting business. Over 9 years ago I made the decision that even though I was making that 6 figure income, I was not happy. I have a beautiful piece of property on Lake Conroe and a wonderful wife and I was never here to enjoy both. I had to find a way to stay home. I got involved in numerous multilevel marketing (MLM) programs and quite honestly lost a lot of money. Over 6 years ago the Polaris Media Group found me. Thank God it did. I am now able to be at home as much as I choose and truly enjoy the lifestyle I now have. Their program has taught me that I have the power to create anything in my life.  Michael

I never had to work outside of the home being married to Michael and had no intention of getting involved in a business. Then I saw the changes happening in Michael. He was at peace with himself and although our relationship had been great, it started going to a whole new wonderful level. Then I attended my first event, a Super Saturday, and my life would be forever changed. I met the people and new without a doubt I was going to become a part of this community and never leave. I now work (if you can call this work) the business because I want to share this opportunity with as many people as possible so they too can learn how to choose their life. Arni

I would like to share a story with you.

This is little story of the cows and rhinos. Of course I can’t take credit for this it was developed by Scot Alexander, but here is my adapted version of it.

There once was a heard of cows out in this cow pasture. And of course there was grass and manure all over the place. But out in the middle of this herd of cows was this rhino, and he was totally out of place. Six thousand pounds of muscle; and thick armor of skin, with this big horn sticking out of his head. And the rhino wanted to leave the cow pasture and go to the promise land. And off into the distance you can see the promise land. But to get to the promise land you must first go through the jungle. The jungle is filled with thrones, quicksand and hunters; but the rhino has that 6 inch thick skin.

Contrary to the better judgment of the cows, and some of these seem to be very learned cows; the rhino leaves the cow pasture. And won’t you know it there’s adversity, hunters shooting at him, quicksand etc. Eventually the rhino meets up with some other rhinos and they say to him we’ll help you get through the jungle. There will still be some adversity but we’ll show you where the quicksand is and you don’t have to walk into the arrows, right? It’ll still be a bit of a struggle but we’ll help you to make it a nicer ride.

Eventually our rhino friend makes it through the jungle and to the promise land. And there is your wonderful Starbucks establishment; just kidding. What does our rhino do? Jumps back into the jungle. Why? To help the other fledgling rhinos get through the jungle.

And then one day when as our rhino is relaxing, laying in his mud hole, he notices other rhinos coming out of the jungle. One by one they’re coming out of the jungle and he asks where are these rhinos coming from? And in a moment of clarity he realizes it must be the cow pasture. These rhinos were actually cows it’s just that they had been conned into believing they were cows. So convincingly that they even looked like cows, and even smelled like cows.

We’re all rhinos. We were born risk takers; all this self imposed limitations, is all just a story.

Learn to just Love(n) (in) the MOMENT!

To Your Success,




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